The series was produced over seven weeks from early February 2016 while undertaking a new course of study in garment construction and design. Operating directly within an institution after three years of working predominately in isolation provided an unexpected insight into phenomena of character, which unconsciously shaped the direction of the work. The result is a more emotionally charged series, which touches on ideas of the will (the heart) and the intellect (the head) as discussed by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788—1860) in his central work ‘The World as Will and Representation’. (Schopenhauer, 2015, p. 491)
The will, as the thing in itself, constitutes the inner, true and indestructible nature of man; […] The intellect is the secondary phenomenal; the organism the primary phenomenon, that is, the immediate manifestation of the will; the will is metaphysical, the intellect physical; —the intellect, like its objects, is merely phenomenal appearance; the will alone is the thing in itself.
The relationship between the two is perhaps best likened to ‘the strong blind man who carries on his shoulders the lame man who can see.’ (Schopenhauer, 2015, p. 496)
These works were created through experimental drawing; combining the artist signature thread drawing with ink on paper, paint on cotton and woodcut combined with ink and gold leaf. Although based predominantly on only two images, one of Bridgette Bardot and one of Kate Moss, the result is twenty-one genuinely unique pieces.
Schopenhauer, A. (2015) The World as Will and Representation. 7th ed Great Britain: Amazon